One Light One Word One Dream

Last weekend, we, along with a group of our dearest friends, decided to spend a Saturday afternoon making candles. Before you pass judgment, let me put it out there that the candle making experience is a blast. In this year of craziness, we had socially distant fellowship, great conversation, laughter, and a truly blessed couple of hours. Who doesn’t long for that in this holiday season? I want to thank Manitou Candle for a great afternoon (check out their website below)! 

As we were all talking, our friends Dave and Missy shared a tradition they have been doing with their family for five years. Each year, when they get to December, they start to think about this question:

“What is your North Star for the next year?”

As they kept sharing, I let the question roll around my head for a few minutes. Do you have a North Star going into 2021? What a year we have all just gone through. Through the mountain tops and valleys of 2020, were you able to keep your focus on your purpose and direction? 

As they explained more, the exercise is quite simple. As we entered December, my friend Dave sent a text message to his family. He shared the text with me so that I could share it with you. You can tell quickly from the text that Dave is a fantastic friend, father, and husband.

“Hey Fam…welcome to Dec or, as I am calling it, “Fun December.” Ok, I know 12/1 is tomorrow, but I’m ready to close out the year. So, start thinking about…

1) One lesson you learned in 2020

2) Your word for 2021

3) One BIG dream you would like to accomplish in 2021 

This will be a fun discussion at Christmas!!” 

How awesome is that?!?! As I have reflected on this, my wife Amy and I have taken some time to rethink how we want to enter into 2021. Let’s make a different type of New Year’s Resolution. Let’s use this approach above to do the following. We encourage you to do this with your family, whether you are face to face or on Zoom!

  • Focus your Resolution on a word and a dream
  • Be Resolute in NOT losing your North Star
  • Reflect on 2020 one more time (the good and the bad)
  • Reset our mindset for 2021
  • Reward yourself when you put your word and dream into action  

As I reflect back and dream forward, I decided to take this Saturday’s candle making as an opportunity to put my word on the candles. Each time I light the candles, it will be a reminder of the light available to all of us (even in dark moments), the word that directs me to my North Star, and a BIG dream for 2021. 

Find your word and live your dream.

My Word for 2021 is: ADVENTURE 

To give you a few ideas on a word to use as your North Star, I want to direct you to a few of our most listened to Podcasts.  These 3 specific examples can be broken down into 1 simple word each, and they may inspire you to make it your word of the year.

At Braintrust, we all hope that you have a blessed Holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Thanks for reading our blogs and listening to our podcasts. See you in 2021!

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