How fitness can affect your sales performance

Sales is an endurance sport. It requires skill, mental acuity, psychological and emotional resilience, and without question, physical stamina. Some of the biggest challenges we face as sales professionals are mental and physical fatigue. I love my morning coffee(s) just as much as the next person but unfortunately, that cup of Joe can only take […]

The Best Tip for Written Communication I Have Ever Learned

We all know that when communicating with someone in writing, punctuation is key to getting the correct message across!   For example: The difference between “Let’s eat, Timmy” and “Let’s eat Timmy” is startling! Which dinner invitation do you think Timmy should accept?   Communication is key in every aspect of our life. Yet, when it comes […]

How To Turn Your Followers Into Sales

Perhaps one of the most overlooked revenue generating assets that your company isn’t leveraging to its fullest is its social media presence, especially within LinkedIn. While at a surface level, these platforms just look like a networking opportunity for Millennials and Generation Z to stay connected. The reality is though that the value of social […]

What does “No Thanks” sometimes really mean in Sales?

I was recently doing some shopping at a local “big box” store and while I was there, they were giving out free samples of various food items. Being one of those people who lives to eat (as opposed to those who eat to live), I usually do not miss an opportunity to stimulate my palate, […]

Only 10% Of Sales Professionals Are Experts At This

Perhaps you’ve heard the quip, “We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason,”  It is such a well-known quote because good listeners are difficult to find.  How difficult you may ask, well according to Psychology Today, research shows that only about 10 percent of us are good listeners. Here is why this […]

The Two Elements Needed To Inspire Others

For those of you that partner with us as a client or Academy member, listen to our Driving Change Podcast, or read our Mind What Matters Blog, you know that the Braintrust team is dedicated to helping people communicate with more purpose, power, and impact.  It is a pleasure each day for us to deliver […]

Use This To Boost Your Sales Training

“The only thing worse than training your people and losing them, is not training your people and keeping them.”  Zig Ziglar Have you ever seen this famous quote by Mr. Ziglar?  While I agree with that statement 100%, have you ever purchased Sales Training for your people to then not see a lasting, measurable difference […]

How To Prospect for Leads Correctly on Linkedin

It is safe to say that the world we live in is becoming more and more digital. In fact due to Covid over 90% of B2B Organizations have transitioned to a virtual sales model but yet despite this 76% of Sales reps have reported that virtual selling is less effective than face to face*. (*McKinsey […]

This Misunderstood Skill Will Help You Master Any Conversation

Although I didn’t know it at the time, I started a “sales career” when I entered the fitness industry in my mid 20’s. I began my career as a personal trainer at a high-end fitness center on the Upper Westside of Manhattan, New York, and after many hours on the job I reached a master-level […]

The Formula for GREAT Questions

How do you create a GREAT sales question?  That’s easy…you intentionally structure the question so it shows understanding, a focus on them, and empathy. Over the last several weeks we have been dissecting Walt Whitman’s quote, “Be Curious, Not Judgmental” and how it pertains to Sales Questioning.  As we wrap up this series of blogs, […]